“In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity.” Albert Einstein
Dear students and teachers,
We are going through a unique and sensitive period. Learning and teaching is so far from typical. It is literally nothing school systems have ever done before. Try your utmost to look on the bright side and become the latest to succumb to the strain. You are the first students and teachers to tackle a challenge like the one we are facing now, being part of large-scale universal change.Years from now, 2020 will be recalled as the year we all learned how to live life at a distance from each other and continue to function as a society.
Learning and teaching continue and they know no boundaries. And our support continues, as well. A large group of committed English teachers from Satu Mare County has faithfully devised a resource bank to be replicated and exploited equally by students and teachers without any restraint.
We are eager to offer and guarantee full support so that the process of educating and being educated will go on smoothly, continuing to share good practice and providing you with Curriculum aligned resources so as to respond to your needs.
There are many ways to look at our current challenge, but let us choose to see this as a huge opportunity for growing together. To give you an idea, Isaac Newton’s and William Shakespeare’s acclaimed achievements emerged under quarantine conditions caused by a plague outbreak.
We wish you all the best in your studies and work this out of the ordinary school year!
Aida Anderco school inspector for foreign languages